
Class Descriptions |
Miami County Early Childhood Music
Classes for 2024-2025
Musikgarten Family Music for Babies
Babies 0-18 months with parent/caregiver
10:00-10:45 AM Mondays, 11:15 AM-Noon Tuesdays, or 9:00-9:45 AM Thursdays
Musikgarten Family Music for Toddlers
Toddlers 1½-3 years with parent/caregiver
9:00-9:45 AM Tuesdays, 11:15 AM-Noon Wednesdays, or 10:00-10:45 AM Thursdays
Musikgarten Cycle of Seasons
Preschoolers 3-5 years
9:00-9:45 AM Mondays, 10:15-11:00 AM Wednesdays, or 11:00-11:45 AM Thursdays
Musikgarten Music Makers at Home and Around the World
Children 5-7 years
1:30-2:30 PM Mondays, 10:00-11:00 AM Tuesdays, or 5:00-6:00 PM Fridays
(3:50-4:50 PM Fridays for First-Graders)
Music Makers at the Keyboard
Children 7-9 years
4:15-5:30 PM Tuesdays or 5:00-6:15 PM Thursdays
All babies are born with an aptitude for music. But research shows that their aptitude diminishes if it is not nurtured. The best way to nurture a child's music aptitude is through active music making. By singing and dancing for and with our children in a variety of tonalities, meters and styles we are helping our children reach their full music potential.
This class offers adults the opportunity to play with their babies in a musical setting, experiencing music and movement activities designed to delight the child and awaken his or her curiosity about music. By singing, dancing, bouncing, and rocking, the child's music aptitude is being carefully nurtured, laying the foundation for beat awareness, vocal production, and aural discrimination.
Activities include singing, bouncing songs, rocking songs, dances, finger plays, body awareness games and echoes.
Home Materials include a CD/digital download and Parent Book.
Fees below reflect a discount for payment by cash, check, or money order. To pay by credit card, contact Nancy Spahr Huskey at nbspahr01@comcast.net or 765-438-6435.
Materials Fee: $38.25 + tax = $40.93 (or $48.25 + tax = $51.63 with baby instrument kit) Note: It is possible to integrate into an existing class at any time; tuition will be pro-rated.
Classes are held at 59 S. Broadway, Peru; begin September 5, 9, or 10 and will continue through mid-May.
Payment Schedule:
September 1 Materials Fee ($38.25 + tax = 40.93)
October 1 $75.00 tuition payment due
November 1 $75.00 tuition payment due
January 1 Materials Fee ($38.25 + tax = $40.93) due
February 1 $75.00 tuition payment due
March 1 $75.00 tuition payment due
This class is designed to bring the joy of music and movement to toddlers and their caregivers. Activities include singing, dancing, focused listening, and simple instrument playing, creating an environment in which the child's music aptitude is nurtured and skills are developed.
Home materials include a CD/digital download, book, and instrument or scarf.
Fees below reflect a discount for payment by cash, check, or money order. To pay by credit card, contact Nancy Spahr Huskey at nbspahr01@comcast.net or 765-438-6435.
Materials Fee: $40.95 + tax = $43.82 Classes are held at 59 S. Broadway, Peru, IN 46970; begin September 4,4, or 10; and continue through mid-May. Note: It is possible to integrate into an existing class at any time; tuition will be pro-rated.
Payment Schedule:
September 1 Materials Fee ($40.95 + tax = $43.82) due
October 1 $75.00 tuition payment due
November 1 $75.00 tuition payment due
January 1 Materials Fee ($40.95 + tax = $43.82) due
February 1 $75.00 tuition payment due
March 1 $75.00 tuition payment due
 This class is designed to nurture the emergent independence of 3-5-year-olds. Parents have the option of staying for the entire class or joining the class for the last 15 minutes, whichever will allow for better learning for the child..
Activities include lots of singing, chants and rhymes, listening games, patterns to echo, and movement games, all of which nurture the child's musical development while satisfying the child's need to learn in a holistic environment.
Each of the two sets of home materials (one each semester) includes two CDs, a songbook, manipulatives, and an instrument, allowing the learning and fun to continue at home.
Fees below reflect a discount when paid by cash, check, or money order. To pay by credit card, contact Nancy Spahr Huskey at nbspahr01@comcast.net or 765-438-6435.
Materials Fee: $57.55 + tax = $61.58 or
$106.85 + tax = $114.33 (both semesters)
Classes are held at 59 S. Broadway, Peru, IN 46970; begin September 4, 5, or 9; and continue through mid-May.
Payment Schedule:
September 1 Materials Fee due ($57.55 + tax = $51.58)
October 1 $75.00 tuition payment due
November 1 $75.00 tuition payment due
January 1 Materals Fee due--if not already paid ($57.55 + tax = $51.58)
Febuary 1 $75.00 tuition payment due
March 1 $75.00 tuition payment due
This class cultivates the child's musical development through songs, tonal and rhythm patterns, poetry and stories, movement activities, listening games, instrumental play and manipulative games. Rudimentary music skills such as pitch matching, beat competency, ensemble development, and music notation are dealt with using themes taken from the child's home environment and natural surroundings.
Material packets include a CD, a poster and game pieces, notation games, instrument pages, and a binder. Children receive 2 packets throughout the 15-week session. Purchase of the glockenspiel and bag are optional.
Fees below reflect a discount for payment by cash, check, or money order. To pay by credit card, contact Nancy Spahr Huskey at nbspahr01@comcast.net or 765-438-6435.
Materials Fee: $56.00 + tax = $59.62 or $125.45 + tax = $134.23 (with glockenspiel & carry bag) or $70.50 + tax = $75.44 (with bag only) or $24.75 + tax = $26.48 (sibling packet)
Classes are held at 59 S. Broadway, Peru, IN 46970; begin September 6, 9, or 10 and run to mid May.
Payment Schedule:
September 1 Materials Fee due $56.00 + tax = $59.62 or $125.45 + tax = $134.23 (with glockenspiel & carry bag) or 70.50 + tax = $75.44 (with bag only)
October 1 $95.00 tuition payment due
November 1 $95.00 tuition payment due
January 1 Materials Fee due ($56.00 + tax = $59.62)
February 1 $95.00 tuition payment due
March 1 $95.00 tuition payment due
This class continues the focus on music literacy begun in Music Makers at Home. The thematic material is based on music and stories from four different cultures. Children continue to refine their singing voices and work with more complex musical patterns. They also enjoy more advanced ensemble work and synchronized movement activities. The class is ideal preparation for beginning piano/keyboard lessons the following year. It is recommended for first-graders or kindergarteners who have completed Music Makers at Home.
One class is available: Fridays at 3:50-4:50.
Material packets include a CD, notation games, song pages, and a binder. Children receive 4 packets and 2 Parent Guides throughout the 32-week session.
Fees below reflect a discount for payment by cash, check, or money order. To pay by credit card, contact Nancy Spahr Huskey at nbspahr01@comcast.net or 765-438-6435.
Materials Fee: $63.50 + tax = $67.95 or $24.75 + tax = $26.48 (sibling packet)
Classes are held at 59 S. Broadway, Peru, IN 46970; begin September 6; and run through mid-May.
Payment Schedule:
September 1 Materials Fee due ($63.50 + tax = $67.95) or sibling option
October 1 $95.00 tuition payment due
November 1 $95.00 tuition payment due
January 1 Materials Fee due ($63.50 + tax = $67.95) or sibling option
February 1 $95.00 tuition payment due
March 1 $95.00 tuition payment due
The final step on the pathway to music literacy, this program is designed to teach the children to play the songs they've been hearing, singing, and dancing to throughout the years of early childhood. An extension of the work done in Music Makers: Around the World, this class follows a very sequential approach to building piano skills and understanding musical notation as set forth in the books, Music Makers: At the Keyboard.
Children learn to:
> Both play by ear and read music.
> Play with melody and chordal accompaniment.
> Play in a variety of Major and minor keys.
> Write out familiar songs.
> Sing accurately on pitch.
> Develop coordination and understand musical form through dancing and drumming.
Children will receive 2 books, including 4 CDs and notation games plus a Parent Handbook throughout the 30 weeks.
Fees below reflect a discount for payment by cash, check, or money order. To pay by credit card, contact Nancy Spahr Huskey at nbspahr01@comcast.net or 765-438-6435.
Materials Fee: $63.95 + tax = $68.43 or $24.75 + tax = $26.48 for sibling book.
This class will meet Tuesdays, 4:15-5:30, or Thursdays, 5:00-6:15. Children will be expected to practice/prepare for class a minimum of 30 minutes per week and will need a keyboard instrument to practice on at home.
Payment schedule:
September 1 Materials Fee due
January 1 Materials Fee due ($55.00 + tax = $58.85 or sibling option)
Students combine the class with 15-minute private lessons and 15 minutes on an interactive computer music program throughout the 30-week school year, paying $74/month tuition, beginning in September and ending at the end of May.
This class continues the adventure of making music at the keyboard. Children continue to play songs by ear but are now asked to figure out the patterns by themselves. More work with scales enables them to move all around the keyboard with ease. They are introduced to music by famous composers such as Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Glinka, Saint-Saëns, Chopin, Schumann, Dvorak, and MacDowell,
There are new songs to play by ear, including more complex parts for the left hand. Technique exercises eventually lead to more fluid playing, and improvisation exercises give more freedom in composing as well as help the students read music better. There are new songs to learn to read and play and even a chance to solve some musical riddles!
Classes are held at 174 E. Main St., Peru, IN, and begin Monday, September 11 (4:15-5:15 PM) or Thursday, September 7 (3:45-5:00 PM).. Each semester students receive a new book and accompanying CDs along with notation games. Each Materials Fee is $55.00 + tax = $58.85. Please see information for Music Makers: At the Keyboard I for tuition information.
This class builds on the knowledge and skills from the previous two years. Students will encounter more music of Beethoven, Haydn, and Mozart and will be introduced to Mouret and Bartok. They will also learn to play music by Ferdinand Beyer, Kabalevsky, and Saint-Saëns. Their skills in improvisation will grow by leaps and bounds, culminating in a 12-bar blues progression. They will even have a chance to write their very own blues composition.
They will continue to work on playing scales, moving on to playing with both hands in parallel motion, and will learn to play arpeggios. There will be several lively pieces to drum and dance to, challenging notation games to play, and a musical timeline to work on.
Classes are held at 174 E. Main St., Peru, IN, and begin Tuesday, September 12, 4:15-5:30 PM. Each semester students receive a new book and accompanying CDs along with notation games. Each Materials Fee is $55.00 + tax = $58.85. Please see information for Music Makers: At the Keyboard I for tuition information.